Monday, September 20, 2010

Welcome to the Family!

Hola amigos and welcome to the craziness that is my family.  I've created this blog to share with you some of the fun things that my family does together.  But, before the share-fest begins, I should introduce you to the players.  First, me - Nikki - the matriarch of the family.  I am the grease that keeps the wheels of our family turnin'.  And, the man behind the woman is my amazing husband Steve.  He's the man with the plan who keeps us all grounded and on track.  Then, we get to the monsters.  First there's Sebastian, my 16-year old son.  He just recently got his license, so watch out when you're on the road and make sure you buckle up!  Next is Aaron, my 15-year old son.  Aaron is just counting down the days until he graduates high school so he can fulfill his life long dream of joining the military.  Then we come to Noah, my 12-year old son.  Noah is the brains of the operation around here.  Next in line is my 9-year old son Connor who may quite honestly be the most talented athlete I've ever met.  Lastly, we have the princess, Miss Eileen, my 8-year old daughter.  Eileen is, as you could probably guess, the cutest little girl who could kick your butt from here to China (it's the influence of all those big brothers, you know!).  

So, those are the players, and now, stay tuned for the stories...

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