Sunday, September 26, 2010

Human Hat Toss

Yo, yo home skillets – so you want to know about human hat toss? Human hat toss is a game that came into existence one rainy Saturday afternoon about a year ago. Steve had picked up Connor’s baseball cap and tossed it to him so he could put it away. Connor bent down and tried to catch the hat on his head. He missed it and told Steve to try again and the rest, as they say, is history. Now, human hat toss is a beloved game in our family; in fact, we have spent many an hour chucking hats at our kids’ heads. We’ve tried different kinds of hats - beach hats and fishing hats are both too floppy to work well - but the primary hat of choice has remained the baseball cap. It’s got just enough structure to it that it can stand up to being thrown across the room yet soft enough that it can be comfortably caught on a child’s head. Of course, you have to be careful of the hard brim – if that catches someone in the eye, it could be painful (and we all know that it’s all fun and games until someone losses and eye!) but other than that, it’s a fairly safe game.

Of course, because my family is better than cable tv, we can’t just stop at hats. This past summer on a particularly fun camping trip, the game went through several evolutions. Here’s how it happened: we were relaxing along the banks of the Baker River after having just spent some time tubing down it when Connor (again it’s Connor – I need to keep an eye on that kid!) grabbed one of the tubes, gave it to Sebastian and said, "Throw the tube at me – I’ll see if I can catch it!" The next thing I knew, human hat toss had become human ring toss. Tubes (and people!) were flying through the air!  However, it didn’t stop there – no, not with my family. You see, it was only natural that, once we were fully covered in tubes and looking like the Michelin Man, we should tackle each other into the water and see what happens! Thankfully a few of us had the presence of mind to grab the video camera and document the craziness for posterity!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Welcome to the Family!

Hola amigos and welcome to the craziness that is my family.  I've created this blog to share with you some of the fun things that my family does together.  But, before the share-fest begins, I should introduce you to the players.  First, me - Nikki - the matriarch of the family.  I am the grease that keeps the wheels of our family turnin'.  And, the man behind the woman is my amazing husband Steve.  He's the man with the plan who keeps us all grounded and on track.  Then, we get to the monsters.  First there's Sebastian, my 16-year old son.  He just recently got his license, so watch out when you're on the road and make sure you buckle up!  Next is Aaron, my 15-year old son.  Aaron is just counting down the days until he graduates high school so he can fulfill his life long dream of joining the military.  Then we come to Noah, my 12-year old son.  Noah is the brains of the operation around here.  Next in line is my 9-year old son Connor who may quite honestly be the most talented athlete I've ever met.  Lastly, we have the princess, Miss Eileen, my 8-year old daughter.  Eileen is, as you could probably guess, the cutest little girl who could kick your butt from here to China (it's the influence of all those big brothers, you know!).  

So, those are the players, and now, stay tuned for the stories...